What is Graphic Designing in Computer and Its Types?

Graphic design refers to the use of graphics to support modern communication using art and organizational technologies. Graphic design has indeed come of age in the digital era where it is considered requisite in branding, adverting and user interface. Availing Graphic Designing Services enable organizations and companies in producing and presenting good quality appealing material in means that will click well with the audience as well as bringing out the organization motto or figure. This paper aims at discussing what is covered by graphic design in computers and the various graphics designs that are in force today. 

What is Graphic Design in Computer?

Graphic design in Computer is a process of creating graphic design through the use of computer components. 

Graphic design in computers is a technique of designing graphics on the computer and other device using graphics designing software. Typography, imagery, color and layout are elements that are incorporated in designing in order to pass a particular message or idea. Presently, computer graphic designers have software applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, to produce complicated designs with accuracy and imagination. 

Graphic design has a significant importance in a number of fields such as advertising, publishing, web designing, multimedia and many more. It covers anything from logos to branding materials, layout of Websites as well as social media graphics. Hiring the services of professional Graphic Designing is one way of ensuring that businesses get the attention of their target audience as well as passing the intended marketing message. 

Types of Graphic Design 

Graphic design is then a wide field with many sub disciplines with each having a distinct function. Here are some of the most common types of graphic design:Here are some of the most common types of graphic design: 

1. Visual Identity Graphic Design 

The graphical and visual aspects that comprise the concept of a brand are the specialty of visual identity graphic design. Such type of design entails the production of symbols such as logos, hues and tones, typography and among others as relating to the brand personality and integrity. One gets to identify the brand easily, which is important because as the audience gets to trust the brand more they get to be loyal to it. 

Key Elements: 

  •  Logos and symbols 
  •  Brand color schemes 
  •  Typography selection 
  •  Brand guidelines 

The graphic designing services that focuses on the logo designing job are engaged with the businesses direcly to design a great and unique market identity to such business. 

2. Marketing and Advertising graphic designs. 

Marketing and advertising graphic design in its broad perspective entails putting out the message of a product, a service or brand. This type of design is common in all types of marketing media, for example, newspaper ads, TV and online ads, social media, marketing collaterals, such as books and posters. It is always aimed at producing content, which would be eye-popping and compelling the viewers to take an action. 

Key Elements: 

  •  Print advertisements 
  •  Digital banners 
  •  Social media posts 
  •  Email marketing templates 

Marketing and advertising graphic designing services assist business organizations to develop captivating images that are in congruent with their marketing plans and leads to customer appeal. 

3. WEB and User Interface (UI) Design 

Web and UI design is focused on design of layout, appearance and feel of website and other mobile applications. This is the type of graphic design where the aim is to provide the best experience of interacting with the graphic design through the interfaces that are friendly and easy to use. This involves designing of the links that are present in the site’s webpage, the buttons, the icons, as well as the other features that create an interface. 

Key Elements:

  •  Website layouts 
  •  Mobile app interfaces 
  •  Navigation menus 
  •  Interactive elements 

Graphic designing services for web and UI design guarantee that the look of the website or application and its navigability is great. 

4. Publication Graphic Design 

Publication graphic design entails design of printed media including books, magazine, newspapers as well as brochures. In this type of design emphasis is on making the layout of the page visually appealing so that it be easily understood at the first glance. This kind of graphic design blended together with the coming of digital media publishing which also covers e-books and online magazines. 

 Key Elements: 

  •  Book and magazine covers 
  •  Page layouts 
  •  Typography and spacing 
  •  Illustrations and graphics 

The graphic designing services for publication design involve graphic designing for authors, publishers and other businesses in the area of publication design for prints and electronics. 

 5. Packaging Design 

Packaging design therefore refers to the process of designing a packaging that will best fit the product and at the same time make the packaging appealing to the eye of the customer. The role in production of selling this kind of graphic design is strategic for product marketing and awareness because the package is the first thing a consumer comes across. 

 Key Elements: 

  •  Product boxes and containers 
  •  Labels and tags 
  •  Packaging materials 
  •  Visual branding on packaging 

Graphic designing services in packaging design contribute to the creation of highly effective and appealing packaging to alter purchase decisions. 

 6. Motion Graphic Design 

Motion graphic design combines and adorns objects in dynamic visuals for use in videos, websites, and social media among other platforms. This kind of animation is applied in adverts, tutorial videos as well as UI animations. Motion graphics are a sets of graphics that are designed to be animated while some are simply a series of graphics that are animated. 

 Key Elements: 

  • Animated logos 
  • Video graphics 
  • Social media animations 
  • User interface animations 

Graphic designing services dealing with animation services focus on the execution of products with movement, which is entertaining to the audience and brings out the message of a product. 


Graphic design as a field of computer studies is quite general and it has a lot of subcategories. Including the visual identity and the marketing design to web design and the motion graphics, they all are significant to the overall businesses and communications with the audience. In this case, it is possible for businesses to engage the services of professional graphic designers to produce high-quality graphic designs to achieve the intended marketing goals such as letting consumers develop a better perception about the company, improve the experience of users, apart from eliciting positive responses from consumers.

Also Read:  Web Design

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